Oct 21, 2014 - Sale 2362

Sale 2362 - Lot 105

Price Realized: $ 292
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 300 - $ 500
PRZIPCOVIUS [or PRZYPKOWSKI], SAMUEL. Cogitationes sacrae, ad initium Evangelii Matthaei et omnes Epistolas Apostolicas. [16], 402, [2], *403-*410, 405-453, [1], 452-880, [20] pages. Folio, 373x230 mm, contemporary vellum boards, portions missing from top 2 spine compartments, joints partly cracked, cords intact; mostly light marginal foxing and soiling, toning at beginning and end, scattered rust spots. Signature of the Unitarian minister Francis Parkman, Sr. (1788-1852), father of the historian of the same name; 19th-century bookplate of Meadville Theological School (Parkman gift), their perforated stamp and rubberstamp on title. wide-margined copy. "Eleutheropoli" [i. e., Amsterdam: Henricus Wetstein?], 1692

Additional Details

first collected edition of the writings of a Polish Socinian author (circa 1592-1670), forming the tenth and final volume of the antitrinitarian collection Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum. Knijff & Visser, Bibliographia Sociniana 2011.